If we did not worry, most of us would feel that we were not alive.
To be struggling with a problem is for the majority of us an indication of existence.
We cannot imagine life without a problem; and the more we are occupied with a problem, the more alert we think we are.
The tension over a problem which thought itself has created only dulls the mind, making it insensitive and weary.
Why is there the ceaseless preoccupation with a problem?
Will worry resolve the problem?
Or does the answer to the problem come when the mind is quiet?
But for most people, a quiet mind is a rather fearsome thing.
They are afraid to be quiet, for heaven knows what they may discover in themselves, and worry is a preventive.
A mind that is afraid to discover must ever be on the defensive, and restlessness is its defence.
Sentimos que no estamos vivos sin preocuparnos.
Luchar con un problema es para la mayoría de nosotros un indicio de existencia.
Cuesta imaginar la vida sin un problema.
Y cuanto más ocupados con un problema, creemos que más alerta estamos.
La tensión por un problema que el propio pensamiento genera nos embota, cansa e insensibiliza.
¿A qué se debe la preocupación incesante? ¿Resolverá la preocupación el problema?
¿O la respuesta llega con la mente quieta?
Para la mayoría una mente tranquila es algo temible.
Porque Dios sabe lo que pueden descubrir en sí mismas, la preocupación es una herramienta preventiva.
Y una mente que teme descubrir debe estar siempre intranquila, a la defensiva.
—Commentaries on Living Series 1, Krishnamurti