Kind prince, there are two kinds of disciples who follow the Universal Way.

One kind understsands it intellectually and is able to speak about it well, while the other actually lives it with his whole being.

— Hua Hu Ching (by Hua-Ching Ni).

The Hua Hu Ching is a very rare manunscript and even appeared in a number of different versisons sin early China.

Few, if any, complete and accurate copies of this words exists todady.

It is only trough the oral transmission of the ceachings contained inthe Hua Hu Ching trough generation after generation of Taoist masters that the teaching has been preserved intact.

In moden times, the copyright is respected because the genuine author gives his or her name, but Fu Shi, Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, and the cultural leaders of all places could not relly insist upon genuine individual authority.

Truth itselef is power.

Many, however, are unable to accept this miraculous power because these unadornred teachings do not arouse their imagination or stimulate their illusions.