Me propuse olvidar la mayor parte de lo que estudié en la universidad, pero recuerdo algunos momentos.
"Power is the ability to exercise one's will over others"
— Max Weber, 1922.
Según Weber, el poder es la habilidad de ejercer la voluntad propia en otros y solo existe en sociedad.
En la historia de la humanidad, generó la muerte de 1.1 billones de personas que es al 1800, la población total:

Resulta que fuera de sociedad -coercitiva, impuesta y violenta- no elegimos someternos.
"People know how to live their own lives and organize themselves better than any expert could".
"Anarquía" es una palabra que usaban en Grecia quienes no reconocían autoridades ni "amos".
Se basa en la libre elección de quienes se apoyan mutuamente en fines comunales.
Permite organizacioness horizontales donde todo suma, para quienes forman parte.
La TV cuenta que "nos ayudan" Estados, pero lo hacen humanos cumpliendo roles sociales:

humanos salvan humanos
Lo horizontal existió siempre. En momentos de adversidad es cuando "lo humano" más se siente.
Es más que rebelarse
Los estados (no Estados) anárquicos existieron siempre. Es lo que hacemos al ser diferentes.
The Christiania “free state” is a quarter in Copenhagen, Denmark, that has been squatted since 1971.
It's 850 inhabitants are autonomous and they have been taking out their own trash for over thirty years.
Las guerras existen cuando gobiernos controlan la moneda.
Ellos generan y regulan precios, inflación, masa monetaria, liquidez y todas las reglas.
La mayoría es presa de cumplir mandatos sociales y acepta lo que le toca: vivir apenas "con lo que queda".
"Currency-based economies have only existed a few thousand years, and capitalism has only been around a few hundred years.
The latter has proven to work quite miserably, leading to the greatest inequalities of wealth, the largest mass starvations...
And the worst distribution systems in world history — though hats off, it’s produced a lot of wonderful gadgets".
Si miramos hacia atrás, encontramos todas las soluciones para las crisis sociales.
El poder de autoridades centrales SIEMPRE implosiona, generando crisis estructurales.
Y lo estamos re-descubriendo porque ya no creemos ni confiamos en bancos, políticos ni multinacionales.
Comenzamos los primeros, es lo que nos nace.
Sociedades Comunidades en contextos diferentes, no usan género en sus frases:
"The Mbuti also discouraged competition or even excessive distinction between genders.
They did not use gendered pronouns or familial words — e.g., instead of “son” they say “child,” “sibling” instead of “sister” — except in the case of parents, in which there is a functional difference between one who gives birth or provides milk and one who provides other forms of care".
Y resuelven conflictos de manera abierta, sin depender de que resuelvan autoridades:
"The Mbuti traditionally viewed conflict or “noise” as a common problem and a threat to the harmony of the group. If the disputants could not resolve things on their own or with the help of friends, the entire band would hold an important ritual that often lasted all night long".

Mbutis en África viviendo a su modo
"Claro, son indios" piensa el que depende para trabajar de sus gadgets.
Imagina si supiera que el sistema que los genera hace que 10 millones mueran por año de hambre.
"Capitalism may be capable of feats of production and distribution that have never been possible before, but at the same time this society is tragically unable to keep everyone fed and healthy, and has never existed without gross inequalities, oppression, and environmental devastation".
Para "indios" es un deshonor no compartir:
It was 'punan' (contrarious to honor) not to share or to refuse a request, but also to ask for more than someone could give.
Y en un contexto similar, alimentos y servicios son distribuídos como se distribuyen regalos en navidad.
La diferencia entre navidad y ellos, es la realidad.
Dentan writes that the “system by which the Semai distribute food and services is one of the most significant ways in which members of a community are knit together... Semai economic exchanges are more like Christmas exchanges than like commercial exchanges.”
Humanos eligieron por su cuenta cómo organizarse, hasta que instalaron un modelo despreciable.

Para que tengas un salario y documento de identidad, murieron miles de humanos, libros y sociedades.
Uno evitar ser cómplice o parte, y aprende de modelos alternativos en comunidades:
"The work of the collectives was conducted by teams of workers, headed by a delegate chosen by each team.
The land was divided into cultivated zones. Team delegates worked like the others. There were no special privileges.
After the day’s work, delegates from all the work teams met on the job and made necessary technical arrangements for the next day’s work..."
Dijeron que necesitamos a la policía y es quien destruye resoluciones pacíficas.
If somebody breaks these common standards, everyone is accustomed to reacting. They don’t call the police, file a grievance, or wait for someone else to do something.
They approach the person they think is in the wrong and tell him, or take another appropriate action.
“Three years ago, if someone had told me we’d be able to run this place I’d never have believed them...
I believed we needed bosses to tell us what to do, now I realize that together we can do it better than them.”
La comunidad no compite, se asiste porque es la mejor manera de crecer y potenciar a todas las partes.
"The norm in Nubian culture is to consider one person’s problem everyone’s problem.
When there is a dispute, strangers, friends, relatives, or other third parties intercede to help the disputants find a mutually satisfying resolution".
NO es anarquista
- Liberales, cualquier cosa que sea "capitalista".
- Preguntar a otros, todo el tiempo.
- Gurúes, expertos, sacerdotes, nacionalistas.
- Confiar en instituciones o corporaciones.
- Vestir a la moda, imitar celebridades.
- Vivir para ser millonarios, que todo escale.
SI es anarquista
- "No me baño".
- Hágalo usted mism@ (DIY).
- Haga su propia investigación (DYOR).
- Opinar, fundamentar y argumentar.
- Confiar en seres humanos.
- Empezar, crear la base.
Men become leaders because they are good hunters. Owing to their superior hunting ability, leaders eat more meat and fat and fewer carbohydrates than other men.
Just do it
Las citas son parte de Anarchy Works, el manual de anarquía más simple y directo que existe.

During the Spanish Civil War, Barcelona’s Medical Syndicate, organized largely by anarchists, managed 18 hospitals (6 of which it had created), 17 sanatoria, 22 clinics, 6 psychiatric establishments, 3 nurseries, and one maternity hospital.